Monday 30 April 2012

Gemma Bowie

My practice has grown with me as an artist, I used to play around with a lot of textiles, but as my practice has grown with me, I have explored other medias like, video. Through this I have discovered a new kind of art which involves “interaction” and involvement from the audience.  To me dealing with art which involves the audience, it has great concept of socialism, I have developed my practice to try and see ways in which people need to communicate and interact with each other, I like including myself into the work through the music I listen to as I think this helps express me through the art work, and I want to see how other people interact with that music, as it has helped me in the past and present, with all different parts of my life, including my art work. The piece I am showing show the struggle of how people need to interact in a way which isn’t spoken but compromised, as they won’t be able to hear each other, I want the participants to draw what they feel or see while listening to the song which is playing. With all my interactive work I like to document through what the people experienced, by them writing it down, just after the have experienced it and also filming them interact with each other.

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