Monday 30 April 2012

Amber Hodge

My medium is in transition; I do not have a particular tool that I feel tethered too. During this project, I have experimented with handwritten text, a medium we are beginning to see less and less as we progress though the digital age. I constantly feel overwhelmed with high-tech devices, so the handwritten diary entries began when I wished to uncover how much technology was influencing my life. The work soon took on a life of its’ own, and was spurred on when I introduced my dream recollections, alongside the daily entries. I have always been influenced by the unpredictable nature of dreams and how they can influence our waking lives.  Dreams are mysterious and bewildering, they can bewilder yet instil ideas simultaneously, and they refuse to be controlled. I have found that whilst you can control waking life, as much as you desire, a dream cannot be tamed. My study has been influenced by sleep patterns, psychoanalysis and Freud’s writing ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’.  I believe a dream is just a different way to think, a channel to process thoughts, interaction and daily events, without interruption. We underestimate the importance of dreaming.

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